Eliyohu Mintz

A Peek Inside the Non-Profit Sector

How to Make Your Organization Accountable

By emintz2 on Monday, September 18th, 2017 in nonprofit 1 Comment

There are many different aspects to accountability, such as being held accountable to the donors/funders, the partners and peers, to the target audience, and to the employees. Accountability is important because it can improve relationships with donors and employees alike, it can increase financial security, facilitate new partnerships, and improve performances in the nonprofit. Here […]

Volunteer Management- Firing a Volunteer

By emintz2 on Thursday, August 24th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

While most articles are focused on ways to maintain volunteers, sometimes this just isn’t possible. Sometimes, volunteers are uncooperative and simply need to be let go. Before letting go a volunteer, there are some steps to take before doing so, as outlined in this article. Talk them through ways to improve their performance. Give them […]

Revolving Doors: What’s a Nonprofit To Do About Employee Turnover

By emintz2 on Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

It isn’t uncommon to see employees work at nonprofits for only a few years before moving on. Before long, some nonprofits could feel like revolving doors for such employees. This can be extremely frustrating for every employer. Here are a few tips which can help better your understanding of employee retention: let candidates know exactly […]

A Winning Member Engagement Strategy

By emintz2 on Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

The importance of member engagement cannot be overstated. Members are what keep your nonprofit afloat, and keeping them active and interested is what can make or break your nonprofit. So how to keep them engaged? First, develop certain goals that are easily measurable. Next, create well developed personas of your target audience to make creating […]

Ways to Improve Donor Loyalty

By emintz2 on Wednesday, July 26th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

Donor retention is vital for the success of a nonprofit, and this article gives some great ways in order to keep your existing donors. frame giving options as a repeating gift- while your donors can turn down this option, it introduces the idea of being constant donors active notifications- keep the donors informed with this […]

5 Tips for Asking for Different Types of Donations

By emintz2 on Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

It is important for any nonprofit to keep in mind that asking for different types of donations will increase their chances of receiving those donations- asking for only one type of donation limits the pool of resources. This article lists some tips for asking for different types of donations, such as doing somewhat in depth […]

Extending the Reach of Every Volunteer

By emintz2 on Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

Extending the reach of every volunteer is vital toward your organization’s success and outreach to the community you help. These 14 ways are great ideas to help get you started in doing just this: treat your volunteers as partners in your organization, tap into their specific talents, find out what drew them to your organization, […]

How to Deal with Difficult Board Members

By emintz2 on Tuesday, June 27th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

Dealing with different personalities on your nonprofit board is hard enough, but what happens when some members are truly difficult to deal with? What happens when no matter what you do or say to them, they are never happy and make every meeting a chore? Having a conversation with them in private to outline the […]

Is Your Nonprofit Future-proof?

By emintz2 on Monday, June 12th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

Ensuring long term success is the goal of every organization, and while creating a loyal base with marketing strategies aimed at getting your message out to the public, long term success is simultaneously on the forefront of the organization’s minds. Here, there are 25 factors and questions to ask yourself to make sure your organization […]

Strategies to Engage Nonprofit Donors

By emintz2 on Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 in nonprofit No Comments

Having a website is obviously important and vital toward your organization. However, what some don’t realize is that most people are not sitting in front of a desktop the whole day and are on the go with their mobile phone as a constant companion. What looks great on a desktop, often times looks off and […]